Monday, 14 July 2014

Go back the way you came!

‘Go back the way you came’. These were Elijah’s new marching orders. Twice God had asked Elijah what he was doing hiding in a cave a long way from where he should have been, and twice Elijah had tried to justify himself. It seems that God had had enough of these attempts of Elijah to dodge the question so he told him to go back down the mountain. Specifically Elijah was told to go to the wilderness of Damascus. Elijah spent a lot of time in the wilderness, sometimes at God’s direction and at others by his own choice. This time God instructed him specifically where to go and it was to the wilderness of Damascus. Damascus was the capital of Syria a nation that was frequently at war with Israel and on the way he would pass those places from which he had recently run. This may not have been the news Elijah was waiting for but nevertheless he obeyed.

God’s words conveyed both a rebuke but also an opportunity for restoration. The ministry to which Elijah had been specifically called was to be handed over to others but there was still work for him to do. In order for Elijah to be restored to his place of service he needed to go back the way he came. There was no other way, he could not find an alternative route, it was by way of the wilderness and the destination was Damascus. Elijah had left his ministry; he had run from a threat issued by Queen Jezebel and was now hiding in a cave in the land of Judah a long way from where he should have been but God was offering him a way back. There was work for him to do but first he needed to obey.

Have you become worn out, disillusioned, frustrated or disappointed at the results of doing the things you have committed to? Do you feel like giving up and finding a cave to hide in? Are you already in that cave? Are you no longer impressed by the supernatural displays of God that you once found inspiring? Perhaps you just want retire from ministry and leave it all to someone else. No matter what your personal circumstances God still has work for you to do. No matter how great you consider your failure to be, or the hurdles that you face, the God of all grace who commands the very forces of nature will sustain you and bring you safe to the place of his calling.

Elijah was to go back the way he came but he had to anoint others to carry out the ministry that was his to fulfill. There were other things for Elijah to do, but the task of eliminating the false worship from Israel and destroying the hold of King Ahab was to be given to others. Elijah was told to do three specific things. He was to anoint Hazael as king of Aram; Jehu was to be set apart as king of Israel and Elisha was to be anointed as prophet in his own place. God intended to remove idolatry from Israel and also to blot out the sin of Ahab and his family. He had called Elijah for this purpose but unfortunately he had stopped short of the mark. In the language recently become popular he had ‘cut and run’ from the contest. But God would not leave his work undone; others would be called to take Elijah’s place.

The first person named by God was Hazael a servant of the king of Syria, Ben-Hadad. Hazael later murdered his master and ruled Syria in his place. The second person was Jehu a soldier in the army of King Jehoram. Jehu assassinated Jehoram and reigned in his place. These two men were to carry on the work of Elijah. Hazael fought against Israel and started breaking up its territories while Jehu eradicated the worship of Baal and exterminated the descendants of Ahab. Elisha was busy plowing his fields when Elijah reached him and there is nothing to indicate he had any particular significance prior to being set aside for this prophetic ministry. God’s choice of men is interesting in that none of those mentioned were, at the time people of significance or in positions of power. Even more remarkable is that Hazael was a bloodthirsty pagan who murdered the rightful king in order to rule in his place. And yet this is the man that God chose to fulfill his plans.

We should never be surprised by the choices that God makes in using people to accomplish his purposes. He seldom acts in a manner that we would find predictable. If we are looking for leaders or agents of change we will probably have a list of criteria that needs to be fulfilled which will include a position of influence, power, wealth and networking ability. Physical attractiveness, high intellect and a charismatic personality will also be high on that list. But God does not see as we see. He knows the people he has chosen to complete his plans and they are determined well ahead of time. God has chosen you to implement his plans and his choice is not based on your own talent or personal ability. His choice is sovereign and is determined by his grace alone. If you are put in a place where you have the opportunity to bring change it is because he has set you apart for this task and he is depending on to rise to the challenge. If you find the task difficult and you elect to ‘cut and run’ God will raise up others in your place, and you may have to watch on from sidelines.

There is always a way back to the place of God’s choosing, he is always ready to provide new opportunities of service and blessing. Elijah was not forgotten, and neither will you, even if you are currently hiding in a cave far from where you are expected to be. So when you hear God’s voice be ready to go back the way you came.

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