Tuesday, 23 December 2014

They didn't know him

When the apostle John recounts the story of the coming of Christ into the world he makes the remarkable statement: He was in the world, the world was made by him, and the world did not know him.

Christmas is upon us and around the world people celebrate this event by having a holiday, giving and receiving presents and eating way too much food. It is reported that last year alone in Australia $42billion was spent on Christmas and $17billion of that on food! Of course in other parts of the world Christmas is remembered differently and in some cases the ‘Christ’ part of the event is removed entirely. In some cases people will turn up at church, it may be the only time of the year but they come to pay respect to the one whom the event is named after. In others regular church attenders take the day off in their rush to enjoy the holiday.

Wherever you go and to whomever you speak Christmas as an event is understood and acknowledged, yet for many they do not know him. Christmas is an event that marks the entry into the world of a child, an event that so changed the way we view history that calendars are based on his birth. This was no ordinary child but as the apostle said, one who was full of grace and truth and who reflected the glory of his Father in heaven. Everybody knows about Christmas but many do not know about Jesus.

John goes further, he said that even his own people didn’t receive him. In many so-called ‘Christian’ nations today Jesus is no longer received. We want the event, the celebration, the festivities, but not the saviour. We cannot separate Christmas from Christ, it is not about the myths that accompany Christmas, it is not about getting bent out of shape because some people talk about a large man in a red suit. It is about understanding that Christmas is the entry of God into our world, it is about an offer to all who would receive and believe in him that they could become sons and daughters of God.
The prophet Isaiah, 700 years or so before that first Christmas, said that those who were in darkness would see a great light, because a child is born, a son is given and his name will be called Immanuel which means God is with us. The apostle John declared that Jesus was this true light, the light that could illumine every person. This Christmas Jesus offers the gift of light and life to you, his light will illumine the dark places, dispel the gloom and bring hope where you thought there was no hope. This is his gift to all who would receive him, by believing in his name: Jesus, Saviour, Christ, Lord, Immanuel, wonderful counsellor, mighty God, everlasting father and prince of peace. 

This Christmas, make sure you know him of who the story is written and receive him by faith and you will know that Immanuel, God is with you.

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